Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Things to come, what I've been up to.

I have a lot of things to catch up on, lot's of exciting things are happening and lots of fun things have happened. I've been really M.I.A. on this blog, but I'm recommitting to it and I'm going to post regularly as well as revamping the layout. I have been up to a lot and have a lot to post about.

I've been trying new foods (reviews and tutorials to come)

I attended a few cons (I will make a post about my most anticipated games and movies)

I won a giveaway (items to review, including lenses and lashes)
And I graduated! Supposedly there is a ceremony next month that I will be attending.
Also, I have officially become a fan of Doctor Who. I'm still on David Tennant right now, but I can't stop watching it on netflix. It's the first in several shows I plan to watch against better judgment. I hope everyone is well. I apologize for what I hope is the absolute last time for my absence. To be honest I haven't been feeling like myself lately and my mental health has been making a steady decline. I'm trying to get better, but this sort of thing is hard, so please don't hold it against me.

I will do my best to pick this blog out of the garbage and polish it up the best I can, so bear with me!

Thanks for reading ♥


  1. Congratz on winning a givaway:) thats so lucky^_^

  2. Aww congrats on graduating :3 I follow you on tumblr and I'm mad I'm just now looking at your blogspot. It's mad cute. lol. Here's mine if you wanna check it out
